Saturday, May 25, 2013

Congratulations to Christopher for Winning the SGIS Debating and Forensics Competition!

Congratulations to Christopher who not only won the overall debate with his partner but also took home first place in Extemporaneous Speaking!   Not only that, but his school won the overall debate for most points won.
I had the privilege of watching his final debate in which he argued fluently and effectively against social media (a topic he was assigned only minutes before the debate).

 Christopher, second from left, seated, in the final debate.  The topic was social media.  He was assigned the position of Against so had to come up with all sorts of arguments about how harmful they could be. 
 Christopher with other members of the Nations Debate Team.  As it turns out the two pairs were facing off against each other in the final debate. 

Christopher receiving his reward for First Place in Extemporaneous Speaking from the Foundation President

 Christopher and the Nations Debate Team with their coach who was thrilled that the school won the overall competition.

Lucy wanted to hold one of the trophies.  She and Susan were attending a jazz sing-in workshop at La Chat with my piano teacher, Al Blatter.

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