Saturday, February 18, 2012

Shouldn't Women Demand Men Filling Viagra Prescriptions Be Screened if Not Barred?

 Why not mandate a 24 hour waiting period, followed by a thorough prostate exam for anyone wanting to fill a prescription for medications such as Viagra?  If a man is either not married or married to a woman who is postmenopausal then clearly this is the kind of sex that many religiously-minded people who believe that all sex must have a chance at causing pregnancy would find objectionable. Is it not a violation of their religious freedom to have to fill a prescription for a man who is clearly past his reproductive prime, especially if he is most likely to be filling the prescription, as Newt was in the 90s, so he could go have sex with his mistress? Since some man somewhere might theoretically be having sex for the sheer pleasure of it, isn't it safer to allow pharmacists and healthcare administrators to refuse to fill this entire class of medications for every man all the time? Also, if you believe that the timing and number of children should be left to chance and that any use of technology to intervene artificially is morally offensive, why would this not apply to erectile dysfunction agents? After all, if you really believed that no blade of grass falls without god having willed it, why would divine intervention be any less present in a wilting erection? In this view of reality, isn't impotence simply god's way of saying your breeding days are over? If so, then isn't it flouting god's will to do anything to upset that divine plan, which leads always and everywhere to the best of all possible worlds? Unfortunately the bible is as useless in answering this question as it is with so many other matters (go ahead and search for Viagra, erectile dysfunction, or estrogen in any online bible - you won't get any hits) but do we really think that god wants Newt Gingrich to be able to pleasure Mistress #4 more than he wants a poor woman in Alabama to be able to access a condom that will protect her from contracting HIV from her philandering husband?

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