Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hitler was as much a "socialist" as the German Democratic Republic (communist East Germany) was democratic

Let me just wade in here again and point out that it is historically correct to state that Hitler's party began with a socialist element but this was largely liquidated and its remnants hunted down and destroyed after the Night of the Long Knives.  Hitler was a master at getting people to act against their interests, playing on worker's discontent by channeling their fury toward a fictitious international Jewish conspiracy; many workers were anamored of anti-semitic nonsense before Hitler actually became very anti-semitic himself (believe it or not, there were a number of contemporaries from his failed artist days who never remember him as being anti-semitic then, and his family doctor and a man who helped sell some of his art work was Jewish (and this never was raised as any sort of issue)).  My point is that Hitler was nothing if not a cunning exploiter, seeing which way the popular rage was blowing and taking advantage of it.  When it was in his interests to be seen as a champion of the working man and the unions, he modeled himself this way (although virtually all parties did - there were no equivalent of the Republican party today that distances itself from workers and their interests while espousing faux-populist nonsense).  But his true backers were the large German industrialist families who had much to gain by having a reliable business-friendly government who halfway through his rise to power made sure that unions were not going to be a problem for all those lucrative war contracts that would be handed out by his regime.  In fact, all non-Nazi unions were banned, so he could continue the fiction (to anyone who ignored the disappearance of the labor leaders and the purging of the left from his party) that he was living up to the "socialist" part of national socialist.
When one considers that much of the Nazi war machine was fueled by slave labor provided first by Russian POWs then by Jews, intellectuals, and dissidents of every stripe, it is impossible to make the case that Hitler was a worker-friendly leftist.
Those who claim Hitler was a leftist may not realize they are taking Nazi propaganda at face value and playing right into his legacy (he certainly would welcome that sort of revisionist softening of his murderously anti-worker, anti-human being, right-wing regime).  But it makes no more sense to say that socialism is always and everywhere bad because Hitler called himself a national socialist anymore than it would make sense to say that Democracy is always bad because East Germany called itself the German Democratic Republic!

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