Thursday, November 4, 2010

Congressman (Elect) Mike Pompeo: Give a Dollar to Charity for Every Dollar Spent Campaigning

An open letter to Mike Pompeo, who graduated #1 in our class at West Point and recently was elected to the United States Congress as a Republican representing Kansas's fourth district:

Dear Congressman (Elect) Pompeo,
You campaigned for a smaller, more limited government, a central tenet of the Tea Party you support.  Smaller government means fewer social services, so private charities must fill the void. Many are skeptical that this private-public gap will be filled.  I am proposing a way to prove your critics wrong.
Specifically, I am challenging you to do the following:  why not donate $1 directly to a charity of your choice for every $1 you spent on your campaign?
According to the Federal Election Commission, your campaign received $2,031,065 as of October 13, 2010 (I imagine the final figure is greater and that all this was spent by election day).   Why not donate a matching $2 million to a local shelter, the Salvation Army, or another deserving charity?  About 672,000 people live in your Congressional District meaning this donation would be less than $3 a person but would go a long way for the few who really need it.  Maybe you could provide shelter for the homeless or prevent a homeowner from losing his house.
Such a generous action on your part could purchase tremendous good will and would help dispel the notion that Republicans do not represent average Americans, many of whom are struggling.
Thank you for considering this request and congratulations!



Mark Vakkur, MD
Geneva, Switzerland

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